Estimating the microbial attributes and proximal composition of zn-aided bar

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Research Paper 01/04/2020
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Estimating the microbial attributes and proximal composition of zn-aided bar

Ayesha Rafique, Sarfraz Hussain, Shahid Mahmood, Tusneem Kausar, Ghulam Mueen-ud-Din, Syeda Mahvish Zahra, Sadia Munir, Muhammad Yousaf Quddoos, Muhammad Zia Shahid, Tabussam Tufail
Int. J. Biosci.16( 4), 159-173, April 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


To overcome the malnutrition of micronutrients, specifically in children is the most influential topic now a days. Many interventions has been considered till now but oral dietary interventions has indispensable role to cope micronutrient deficiencies like Zn, which is essential for the rapid growth of adolescent boys. This study assimilated the potential of natural sources to mitigate Zn deficiency among zinc deficient boys through fortified food bars. By following different ratios of natural zinc fortificants i.e. pumpkin and sesame seed, treatments were prepared with oats, milk powder, sugar and butter. After preparation, bars were examined regarding estimation of zinc, proximate and microbial analysis at an equal interval of 15 days for sixty days.T0 is placebo, T1 is synthetic fortified bar and T2 is natural fortified bar. Natural zinc fortificants i.e. pumpkin and sesame seeds have 7.86 and 7.14 zinc. Excluding moisture, all elements of proximate composition were non-significant among storage interval of 2 months. In all treatments moisture ranged from 8.23 to 4.56 %, fat ranged from 17.99 to 27.9 %, protein ranged from 7.20 to 16.52, ash ranged from 2.05 to 3.85 % and Zn content ranged from 0.49 to 5.14 %. In 2 months, storage study the zinc followed a non-significantly decreasing trend in all treatments. Hence, it was concluded that T7 had the maximum ash content and sensory scores among all treatments, if investment employed it could bring a boon to therapeutic food product manufacturers.


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