Estimation of above ground bole biomass and carbon stock of trees in Urhonigbe Forest Reserve, Edo State, Nigeria

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Research Paper 20/08/2022
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Estimation of above ground bole biomass and carbon stock of trees in Urhonigbe Forest Reserve, Edo State, Nigeria

UNC Ureigho, CM Chukwurah
Int. J. Biosci.21( 2), 405-410, August 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Carbon storage in forest biomass is an important factor of a stable forest and a recentlink in the global carbon cycle. The objective of this study was to determine the above ground bole biomass and carbon stocks of trees in Urhonigbe forest, Edo State, Nigeria. The sampling technique adopted for this study was the cluster sampling. 15 plots of size 25m by 25m were randomly laid and 128 trees encountered and measured. The variables measured for each species of trees were diameter at breast height (cm), diameter at the top (cm), diameter at the middle (cm), diameter at the base (cm) and tree height (m). The above ground bole biomass was obtained with the product of wood density (kg/ha) and tree volume (m3/ha), while th...  Read More read more link button

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