Estimation of ascorbic acid, sodium, potassium and sugar contents in different stages of guava from Malir, Karachi, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/03/2018
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Estimation of ascorbic acid, sodium, potassium and sugar contents in different stages of guava from Malir, Karachi, Pakistan

Kashif Ahmed, Naveed Hassan
Int. J. Biosci.12( 3), 235-238, March 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The study shows Quantitative analysis for Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Sugar contents and Minerals (Sodium and Potassium) at different stages of guava (Psidium guajava) ripening period. Results showed that 100g of guava fruit give 228 mg average weight of vitamin C, the value larger than three times that of DRI (daily recommended intake). External thick skin of guava fruit have exceptionally higher levels of Ascorbic Acid i.e. vitamin C than the central pulp. It was found that all of these components increases with the passage of time then remain constant after its ripening period (three to four weeks). The work will serve baseline information for other studies.

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