Estimation of economic threshold for Lathyrus aphaca L. in wheat

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Research Paper 01/11/2018
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Estimation of economic threshold for Lathyrus aphaca L. in wheat

Muhammad Aamir, Ejaz Ahmad Khan, Mohammad Safdar Baloch, Muhammad Aslam
Int. J. Biosci.13( 5), 358-370, November 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


For better weed management, knowledge of threshold weed density is very important. It gives us an idea to decide a suitable weed control method at proper time to stop economic loss. To avoid crop yield losses, assessment of weeds densities and their control by a successful method is extremely important in crop production. In this regard, a randomized complete block design field experiment was initiated during Rabi 2013-14 and 2014-15. The proposed study was comprised of 0, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128 plants of L. aphaca in m-2. Data regarding leaf area, plants growth, height, spike bearing tillers, spike length, 1000-grain weight, biological and grain yield, harvest index, grain yield loss, relative competitive index, and economic threshold of L. aphaca were recorded by following standard procedures. Results showed that all L. aphaca density levels reduced wheat plant growth, yield and all yield contributing traits. Obviously, higher growth, yield and yield related traits were noted in controlled wheat plots. Among different L. aphaca density levels, more wheat leaf area index, crop growth rate, plant height (101.93. 101.35 cm), spike bearing tillers (400, 390), spike length (8.30, 8.25 cm), 1000-grain weight (45.30, 44.83 g), biological yield (11767, 11391 kg/ha), grain yield (4958, 4781 kg/ha) and harvest index (41.82, 42.0%) were observed at L. 4 plants of aphaca m-2 during both years. Minimum all these traits were recorded 128 plants of L. aphaca m-2. The economic threshold level for L. aphaca in wheat was recorded 4.52 and 3.94 plants m-2 in the years 2013-14 and 2014-15, respectively. In conclusion, to prevent economic loss, L. aphaca must be controlled when density level exceeds 3.94 plants m-2.


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