Estimation of genetic diversity among Berberis spp. From Karakoram Mountain Ranges using morpho-pathological and floral characters

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Research Paper 01/08/2014
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Estimation of genetic diversity among Berberis spp. From Karakoram Mountain Ranges using morpho-pathological and floral characters

Tika Khan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 2), 286-295, August 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


The present research describes genetic diversity analyses of medicinally important Berberis species (spp.) from great mountainous altitude i.e. Karakoram Mountain Ranges. High range (0-100%) of Genetic Distance estimates using 31 morphological, pathological and floral characters indicated possibilities of improving the material using genetic selection in Berberis spp. Eleven Berberis accessions were classified in 2 main clusters A and B comprising 5 and 6 accessions, respectively. Accessions from relatively lower altitude (< 6800 feet) were predominantly clustered in main group A. While main group B primarily comprised accessions from comparatively higher altitude (> 6800 feet) except accessions # 2 (5637 feet) and accession # 3 (5410 feet). Present research indicated that accessions collected from lower altitudes should be classified as B. pseudumbellata subsp. pseudumbellata; instead of previously reported species B. Lyceum, B. brandisiana, B. orthobotrys, B. kunwarensis etc. Predominant habitats (Himalaya and Karakoram Ranges) and spatial distribution of Berberis spp. has also been discussed. Study contributes into effective identification of Berberis spp. found in the area which is uncertain to a greater extent like rest of the world. Berberis spp. are highly medicinal and serve wildlife as ‘wild-herbal-clinic’ in natural habitat. Berberis pseudumbellata subsp. gilgitica is endemic to Gilgit-Baltistan and has become critically endangered.

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