Estimation of heterosis and combining ability for some quantitative parameters in Gossypium hirsutum

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Research Paper 01/08/2019
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Estimation of heterosis and combining ability for some quantitative parameters in Gossypium hirsutum

Muhammad Tanees Chaudhary, Sajid Majeed, Amir Shakeel, Jia Yinhua, Du Xiongming, Muhammad Tehseen Azhar
Int. J. Biosci.15( 2), 166-173, August 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Cotton is an important oilseed andfiber crop in Pakistan as well as in world. Improvement can be madein yield and fiber characteristics of cotton crop after understanding the various mechanisms of gene actions controlling the yield contributingtraits.In the current study, four genotypes of cotton namely, NIAB-KIRN, FH-942, PB-896 and PB-76 were crossed in a random mating fashion. The parents and F1 hybrids were planted in field in three replicationsfollowing randomize complete block design. At maturity, data were collected for yield and fiber related traits. Analysis of variance of mean valuesexhibitedthe presence of significant variations. This data were analyzed for their assessment of combining ability, where it is found that the genotype NIAB-KIRN has additive gene action for number of seeds/boll, seed index and seed cotton yield per plant. Thus, nominated as a good general combiner.Whereas PB-896 × PB-76 showed good specific combining ability for seed-cotton yield/ plant and cotton-seed yield per plant, while the combination of PB-896 × FH-942 has exhibited significantly high heterosis for fiber and seedcotton yield.Based on this information the parents and combinations have potential of genetic material for yield of seed cotton as well as fiber related parameters.


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