Estimation of peat land fire carbon emissions using remote sensing and GIS

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Research Paper 10/08/2022
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Estimation of peat land fire carbon emissions using remote sensing and GIS

Ichsan Ridwan, Nurlina, Widya Edma Putri
J. Bio. Env. Sci.21( 2), 36-42, August 2022.
Certificate: JBES 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Global warming occurs due to too many greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, especially carbon dioxide (CO2). One of the causes of the increasing amount of CO2 gas is forest and peatland fires. Peatlands are known to store carbon stocks not only above the ground surface but also below the ground surface which if there is a fire it will turn into carbon emissions. The forest and peatland fires in 2015 were one of the worst fire events in Indonesia (Sumatra and Kalimantan) in recent years, therefore many researchers have tried to estimate carbon emissions resulting from fires in several areas. This study estimates the number of carbon emissions (above surface and subsurface carbon emissions) from peatland fires in Banjar Regency in 2015 using remote sensing technology (Landsat 8) imagery data and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Based on two types of vegetation, namely shrubs and agricultural land (the results of land cover classification) that occupy burned peatlands, the resulting carbon emissions above the surface of 1,718.55 tons. Meanwhile, the amount of subsurface carbon emissions (based on the category of depth and peat maturity) is 1,092.14 tons. So the total carbon emissions resulting from peatland fires in Banjar Regency in 2015 were 2,810.69 tons. Overall, our findings indicate that peat fires in Banjar district produce significantly higher carbon emissions than currently reported in emission inventories, which has consequences for the predicted impacts of peat burning on air quality.


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