Ethno-veterinary medicinal plants of Chail valley

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Research Paper 01/01/2017
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Ethno-veterinary medicinal plants of Chail valley

Sabtain Adil, Adnan, Murad Ali, Mohammad Ajmal, Naveed Ahmad, Fawad Khan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 1), 133-139, January 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Ethno veterinary study on plants of Chail valley was conducted during 2013-2014.55 plants species belonging to 46 families were studied i.e. 4 species in Asteraceae, 3 in Euphorbiaceous and 3 in Lamiaceae. Rest of the families contain two or single species. Among the recorded plants fifty one species are Dicots and four are monocots. In all these plants species about 40 are herbs, 9 are shrubs and 6 are Trees. Some species are commercially collected in the Chail valley like Dioscorea deltoidea, Skimmia laureola, Saussurea atkinsonii, Paeonia emodi, Podophyllum emodi, Rheum emodi and Thymus linearis. All these medicinal plants are extensively used. Most people of the area depend on live stocks. Because of poverty, exploitation of wild life, erosion deforestation, and unauthorized collection, most of the plant species are threatened slowly and gradually. Valuable medicinal plants and locally knowledge is disappearing. In Chail valley most of the women and children are involved in the collection of different medicinal plants for selling and local uses.


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