Ethnobotanical exploration and biodiversity conservation of Mt. Nacolod, Southern Leyte, Philippines

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Research Paper 17/07/2023
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Ethnobotanical exploration and biodiversity conservation of Mt. Nacolod, Southern Leyte, Philippines

Myra A. Abayon
J. Bio. Env. Sci.23( 1), 217-230, July 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


This study was conducted in Mt. Nacolod, Southern Leyte, Philippines, to document traditional healing potential and practices of medicinal plants. The knowledge of traditional healing practices in Southern Leyte is at risk of being lost due to lack of knowledge transfer and an aging population of traditional healers. Focus group discussions were used to document 55 plant species used in traditional healing. These plants have been used to treat various ailments such as hypertension, kidney and bladder problems, diabetes and anemia, bone-related and abdominal problems, stomach illnesses, and dengue fever.Among the 55 plant species documented in this study are the following: Allium sativum, Andropogon citratus, and Peperomia pellucida for hypertension; Peperomia pellucida, Cocos nucifera, Lagerstroemia speciosa, and Dipterocarpus grandiflorus for kidney and bladder problems; Annona muricata, Momordica charantia, and Moringa oleifera for diabetes and anemia; Moringa oleifera as a galactagogue; Jatropha curcas, Justicia gendarussa, and Curcuma domestica for bone-related and abdominal problems; Carica papaya, Chrysanthemum indicum, Chrysophyllum caimito and Polyscias nodosa for stomach illnesses; Ananas comosus as an anthelmintic; Persea americana and Psidium guajava for diarrhea. It is crucial to recognize the importance of traditional ecological knowledge and to promote sustainable conservation practices. The results of the study can help attain several Sustainable Development Goals, including good health and well-being by promoting traditional healing practices that can improve health outcomes, climate action by promoting biodiversity conservation, and life on land by promoting the conservation of medicinal plants and traditional ecological knowledge. Moreover, the study highlights the need for knowledge transfer to the younger generation and the importance of promoting sustainable practices for the well-being of local communities.

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