Ethnobotanical studies on useful plants of Sirumalai Hills of Eastern Ghats, Dindigul District of Tamilnadu, Southern India

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Ethnobotanical studies on useful plants of Sirumalai Hills of Eastern Ghats, Dindigul District of Tamilnadu, Southern India

Chinnappan Alagesaboopathi
Int. J. Biosci.2( 2), 77-84, February 2011.
Certificate: IJB 2012 [Generate Certificate]


The present investigation is an attempt to an ethnomedicinal plants survey carried out in Sirumalai Hills of Eastern Ghats, Dindigul district of Tamilnadu. The indigenous information of the village dwellers, tribal people, village herbalists, herbal practitioners and other traditional healers and the indigenous plants used for medicinal worthiness were collected through personal interviewes and questionnaire during field trips. The exploration revealed some unknown medical uses of medicinal plants. The locals use 44 medicinal plants for the treatment of several diseases either in single or in combination with some other ingredients. The information on correct botanical identities with family, vernacular name (Tamil), part used and traditional practice of 44 species, 40 genera and 28 families of angiosperms are discussed here for the treatment of various illnesses viz., asthma, snake bite, anthelmintic, promote coolness antipyretic, jaundice, diarrhoea, dysentery, leprosy, diuretic, diabetes, stomachache problems, paralysis and skin diseases. The dicotyledons are represented by 41 species of 37 genera and 25 families while monocotyledons are represented by 3 species of 3 genera and 3 families. The plant parts are used in the form of juice, extract, powder and paste. These uses are noteworthy for further investigation on recent scientific manner. The present study concluded that the abundance of natural ethnomedicinal information of medicinal plants may also points to a excellent potential for investigation in the discovery new medicines to fight ailments and other new uses.


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