Ethnobotanical study on the weeds of wheat crop in District Swabi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

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Ethnobotanical study on the weeds of wheat crop in District Swabi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

Meraj Ali, Syed Zahir Shah, Muhammad Saleem Khan, Muhammad Fazil, Reshman Naz, Adil Zafar
Int. J. Biosci.12( 1), 362-373, January 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


An ethno-botanical survey was conducted in order to document information about the traditional uses of plant species growing as weeds in the wheat fields of Swabi, one of the districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. According to our findings about 138 weed species, belonging to 35 families and 111 genera were utilized by the local people for various purposes. Being herbs most of weeds were either medicinal (58 species) or fodder (23 species) or both medicinal and fodder (19 species). 15 species were used as green leafy vegetables or salad, 6 species were poisonous, 6 species were ornamental, 5 species were used both as medicines and as non woody hay fuel. The remaining species has got miscellaneous type of uses such as making brooms (2 species), washing (1species), rope and basket making (1 species), as pesticide (1 species) and as a source of perfume (1 species). The remedies use to treat various ailments were generally prepared through infusion, decoction and concoction and were used orally or applied externally to the skin. These remedies were used to cure a variety of health problems like respiratory diseases, gastro-intestinal disorders, skeleto-muscular pains, cutaneous problems and cardiovascular disorders etc. According to our data analysis out of 138 weeds, 98 plant species were those in which the whole plant body was utilizable, however the reaming species had got one are several parts to be used by local people. Though weeds, the so called unwanted plants in the crop field, plants have a survival value for man on this earth planet. Therefore proper conservative measures and strategies are required for the existence and persistence of these plants in the area.

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