Ethnobotanical survey of the medicinal plants in the central mountains (North-South) in Jordan

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Research Paper 01/03/2015
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Ethnobotanical survey of the medicinal plants in the central mountains (North-South) in Jordan

Sawsan AS Oran, Dawud MH Al-Eisawi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 3), 381-400, March 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


An ethnobotanical survey for the wild medicinal plants in the central high mountains extending from northern to central Jordan has been carried out. A special questionnaire is prepared to test for the medicinal uses of the local wild medicinal plants in the study area. The information such as the Arabic local name, parts used for medication, methods of preparation, purpose of use, doses and any other remarks, were all collected from direct contact visits to local people by the researchers of this study. The total numbers of recorded species in all the study sites are 108 species belonging to 33 families. The families Asteraceae and Lamiaceae have recorded the highest species of medicinal plants. A number of 25 plants species were found to be more frequently used by the local people in the studied areas, 38 species were found to be used more occasionally than the remaining 22 species. Visits for the available herbalist’s shops in the study area were made for all the sites of the study area. The age range of the questioned sample of the people who were interviewed was ranging between 40-65- years old. It is learned from the study that the use of wild medicinal plants is highly recommended and still practiced by the majority of local people in the study area. It has been observed that the study area is very rich in medicinal plants, where some species are becoming degraded and over cultivated. The knowledge of using wild herbs in traditional folk medicine is basically more common among the elderly rather than the young generation in most of the visited domestic areas. However, the use of medicinal plants by the locals are causing great declining of the diversity of many plant species growing in all sites visited by the authors.


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