Ethnobotanical uses and community perceptions of high-carbon sequestration tree species in the green spaces of Porto-Novo: Towards sustainable and inclusive urban planning

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Research Paper 10/12/2024
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Ethnobotanical uses and community perceptions of high-carbon sequestration tree species in the green spaces of Porto-Novo: Towards sustainable and inclusive urban planning

Godonou Etienne Romaric Adéwalé, Gbesso Gbodja Houéhanou François, Idakou Gildas N’tibouti, Gbaguidi Ahonankpon Hubert Frédéric, Lougbegnon Olou Toussaint
Int. J. Biosci.25( 6), 431-441, December 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


This study aims to evaluate the ethnobotanical uses and community perceptions of tree species with high carbon sequestration potential in urban green spaces in Porto-Novo, Benin, to inform sustainable and inclusive urban green space management. With a mixed-method, descriptive study with a cross-sectional design, this research was conducted in various green spaces within Porto-Novo, Republic of Benin, from July to October 2024. Twenty tree species with high carbon sequestration potential were identified through a preliminary assessment. Data were gathered from 390 residents across urban green spaces using semi-structured interviews to explore their knowledge uses and perceptions of the selected species. Quantitative indices, including Relative Frequency of Citation (RFC), Use Value (UV) and Cultural Importance Index (CII) were calculated to quantify species importance. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to categorize species according to their primary uses (food, Medicinal artisanal and ornamental) and the plant parts commonly utilized (leaves, roots, fruits, bark). The study revealed high recognition and use of Citrus limon (93.4%),  Artocarpus altilis (81.2%) and Senna siamea (75.9%) among the local population with food and medicinal uses predominating ornamental and artisanal species such as Eucalyptus globulus and Tectona grandis were valued for their aesthetic and craft applications. PCA results highlighted distinct usage clusters confirming the cultural and practical significance of each species. Protection of green spaces sustainable planting techniques and community engagement in reforestation were supported by 98% of respondents. The study emphasizes the multifunctional role of green spaces in urban resilience biodiversity and community well-being in Porto-Novo. Integrating ethnobotanical knowledge into urban planning can enhance ecological and social benefits supporting sustainable development that aligns with local needs and cultural values.


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