Ethnobotany of Nepenthes spp. in Dayak Seberuang People, West Kalimantan, Indonesia

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Research Paper 01/12/2015
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Ethnobotany of Nepenthes spp. in Dayak Seberuang People, West Kalimantan, Indonesia

Hendra Setiawan, Luchman Hakim, Jati Batoro
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 6), 275-284, December 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


The aims of this research was to identify the use of Nepenthes spp. among DayakSeberuang People (DSP), West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Field research was conducted from January-October 2015 in three villages of DSP, namelyPaohBenua, Gernis Jaya, and Lengkenat villages. These villages located at Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. Ethnobotanical research was conducted through participative observation, open-ended interviews, and semi-structured interviews. Snowball sampling was used to determine the informants. Totally there are 96 informants included in this study with informants old range from 25 to 98 years old. Qualitative interviews data was analysis with descriptive method, whereas quantitative ethnobotany data was analysis withUse Values(UVs), Relative Frequency Citation(RFC), and Cultural Significance Index (CSI). Results of this study shows that there were five Nepenthes species, namelyNepenthes ampullariaJack.,Nepenthes bicalcarataHook.f., Nepenthes gracilisKorth., Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Druce., and Nepenthes rafflesianaJack. DSP used stem of Nepenthes as traditional ropes and material for handicrafts.Pitcher of Nepenthes was used as vessel for traditional food.Fluid from unopened pitcher of Nepenthes was used as medicine for cough andstomachace, and also drinking water reserve.Epidermis of Nepenthes’sstem was used as material for handicrafts’s dye, and small Nepenthes plant was used as decorated plants. Traditional ropes and material for handicraft and vessel for traditional food are the most importance roles of Nepenthes in DSP (RFC=1.00; 0.98). N. ampullariawasthe most important species on utilization and cultural level of DSP with UVs 2.61, RFC 0.99, CSI 16.


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