Ethnomedicinal and Ethnobotanical survey of Jinjerate Koh Valley Drosh, District Chitral

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Research Paper 01/04/2017
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Ethnomedicinal and Ethnobotanical survey of Jinjerate Koh Valley Drosh, District Chitral

Fazli Rahim, Siraj-ud-Din, Sher Wali
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 4), 225-230, April 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The present study the ethno-botanical and ethno-medicinal uses of the plants resources of Jinjerate Koh Valley, Chitral. In Jinjerate Koh Valley Drosh, District Chitral a total 50 plants belonged 21 families were collected for the ethno-botanical study. Out of 50 plants species 24 plants are found to be used medicinally. Most commonly treated diseases are cough, constipation diarrhea and skin diseases, one plant was also reported for cardiac problem. The plant parts frequently used are whole plant (32%), followed by leaves (30%), seed (12%), fruit (9%), roots (5%) and flower (3%), plants mostly used for fodder and vegetables purposes. Asteraceae was dominants family represented by 8 plants species and Fabaceaae represented by 6 species. Medicinal plants are still the main source of treatment of different type of disease in the villages of Chitral.


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