Ethnozoological folk healing in remote barangay in Pamplona, Cagayan, Philippines

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Research Paper 15/06/2022
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Ethnozoological folk healing in remote barangay in Pamplona, Cagayan, Philippines

Josephine D. Collado, Melba B. Rosales, Anita L. Aguidan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.20( 6), 14-18, June 2022.
Certificate: JBES 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Many health care values and traditions are substantially different from the dominant Filipino community because of the folk healing practices of remote barangays in Pamplona. These far-flung barangays are more accepting of the use of animals to meet their basic needs in their socio-economic activities. This study investigated ethnozoological practices of the target community. The study made use of the descriptive research design using the survey method. The study revealed that, the utilization of animals in the traditional healing practices of the five remote barangays of Pamplona, Cagayan is a vital part of enriching a traditional rural community’s rich cultural values and practices. The study identifies many high-value medicinal animal species, implying that long-term medical data collection has a high potential for economic development. It was also discovered that the study area has many therapeutic animals which can be used to cure a wide range of human ailments. The Philippines being rich in biodiversity makes it good locale to study animals with medicinal value, Moreover, discovery of these organism and its probable functions can open new windows for drug discovery and development.


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