Evaluating patient satisfaction with food services provided in Khartoum teaching hospitals

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Research Paper 05/02/2024
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Evaluating patient satisfaction with food services provided in Khartoum teaching hospitals

Mona Abdalgadir Ahmed Abuagla
Int. J. Biosci.24( 2), 32-39, February 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Patient satisfaction is an important issue for all health services, where food services represent one of them, as they help speed up the treatment of hospitalized patients and reduce the length of stay Duration of recovery. The aim of this study was to identify the extent of patients’ satisfaction with food services provided in teaching hospitals Khartoum Sudan. In this cross-sectional descriptive analytical study, data was collected from May 1, 2022 to October 31, 2021, by interviewing 802 inpatients in five hospitals in Khartoum State, including (350 from medical wards, 200 from obstetrics and gynecology wards, 80 from surgical wards, 92 from chest disease wards, 80 from cancer patient wards, The data were exported to SPSS, version 22, to obtain more information by analysing the relationship between variables. With statistical significance, a five-point Laser scale was used using arithmetic means and standard deviation to rank the extent of agreement or dispersion around the variables. After analysing the demographic characteristics, the results showed that most of those included in the questionnaire were from the medicine wards (43.6%), at (61.7%) of women and 45.4% of them were in ≥40 years old, and most of them had secondary education (45.4). %), most of them were from villages. In the second section related to food items, food materials were in first place with the highest average and a direction towards good at 73%. As for the question related to the quantity of food, the answer was neutral at 57.6 %, with a minimum average of 2.88 and a standard deviation 0.85. All answers about food distribution tools were neutral. As for the health appearance of food handlers, some of them were good, such as personal hygiene, at71.8%. As for evaluating satisfaction with employees’ behaviours, the answer was positive regarding employee cooperation, but the general samples direction was neutral.


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