Evaluating Plantmate organic manure and prime EC foliar on plant performance and yields in five agro-ecological zones in Kenya

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Research Paper 01/02/2018
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Evaluating Plantmate organic manure and prime EC foliar on plant performance and yields in five agro-ecological zones in Kenya

Karuku Njomo
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.12( 2), 100-113, February 2018.
Certificate: IJAAR 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Trials for the effectiveness of Plantmate organic manure and Prime EC Foliar Plant Food for increased yields for selected crops were done in five different Agro-ecological zones and soil types, in Kenya. The approach was executed through controlled greenhouse experiment and in the field. The trials data obtained indicated Plantmate organic manure and Prime EC Foliar Plant Food in combination with half the rate of recommended inorganic fertilizer performed significantly (p<0.05) better than all other treatments. Thus, plots treated with Plantmate organic manure and Prime EC Foliar Plant Food gave higher yields in common beans, French beans, maize, onions, cabbages, capsicum with percentages exceeding 100 compared to the control in most cases. In many soils fertilizers are fixed and rendered insoluble under certain soil conditions such as soil pH. The Plantmate organic manure and Prime EC Foliar Plant Food ameliorated the soil conditions as it interacted with inorganic fertilizer thus increasing its use efficiency by crops. Plantmate organic manure and Prime EC Foliar Plant Food not only increased soil chemical fertility but also improves water use efficiency at low matric potential and generally improves plant vigor and soil health.


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