Evaluating the co-digestion effects on chicken manure and rotten potatoes in batch experiments

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Research Paper 01/06/2017
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Evaluating the co-digestion effects on chicken manure and rotten potatoes in batch experiments

Shehbaz Ali, Tawaf Ali Shah, Asifa Afzal, Romana Tabbassum
Int. J. Biosci.10( 6), 150-159, June 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Anaerobic co-digestion of various organic substrates has been shown to improve biogas yield and methane percentage yield by maintaining carbon to nitrogen admirable ratio. Two types of substrates have been digested in this study with aim of evaluating influence of co-digestion on biogas and methane yield; the first one was rich in carbon namely rotten potatoes (RP), while the second one was nitrogen rich chicken manure (CM) in mono-digested as well co-digested manner. In present study experimental plan has been designed for RP, CM, M1 (mixture of RP:CM ratio of 50:50) and M2 (mixture of RP:CM ratio of 75:25) digestion at 37ºC. Physicochemical analysis of inoculum and both substrates were evaluated for the determination of theoretical methane production and activity of inoculum. Mono and co-digestion of substrates yielded 291.0, 226.1, 304.5, 341.2 ml/g VS methane for RP, CM, M1 and M2 respectively. While theoretical calculated yields from CHNS values were 309.0, 285.6, 298.7, and 304.5 for RP, CM, M1 and M2 respectively. Percentage of methane in biogas composition increased from 55.53% (CM) to 65.30% methane (M2) of biogas production. Acetate was in maximum proportion with respect to other VFAs in all regular inspection, its range varied from 1044.1, 840, 1098.45 and 1178.9 mg/l for RP, CM, M1 and M2 respectively. The results of co-digestion indicated considerable increase in both biogas and methane production.


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