Evaluating the potential impact of Agdarband coal mining on water quality, NE Iran

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Research Paper 01/12/2014
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Evaluating the potential impact of Agdarband coal mining on water quality, NE Iran

Feze Adly, Rahim Dabiri, Mohamad Javanbakht, Mohamad Ibrahim Fazel Valipour, Mahbobeh Masrournia, Reza Arjmandzadeh
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 6), 425-431, December 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


The evaluation of geochemical composition of coal mine drainage in Agdarband shows that the concentration of some elements (especially iron and aluminum) in the surface water is more than the standard. The evaluations imply that the large quantities of these elements have anthropogenic origin and they are resulted from coke washing plant in the area. Calcium, potassium and also Sodium in the samples of taken water from Kashaf-rud are more than the standard which is often due to Lithogenicorigin and also it is corresponded to the kind of limestone formations in Agdarbad. The pollution indices (HPI and MI) reveal the surface water of Agdarband is polluted and non-potable. The Pearson coefficient and cluster diagram show a high correlation between Fe, Al, Mn, pH and Hco3 in a same group and Na, K, Cl, So4-2, Ca, and NO3 in the other group. The three-dimensional graph of the main analysis compound also confirms the correlation between these groups. There is a large quantity of iron in coal mine drainage which is due to the pyrite oxidation and high quantity of aluminum as a result of biochemical reactions of the fluid sulfate.


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