Evaluating the Water Quality of Key Freshwater Sources in Gingoog City, Philippines

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Research Paper 04/12/2024
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Evaluating the Water Quality of Key Freshwater Sources in Gingoog City, Philippines

Ronnie L. Besagas, Romeo M. Del Rosario, Girlie D. Leopoldo, Myrna S. Ceniza, Noel T. Dael, Antonio Y. Asoy
Int. J. Biosci.25( 6), 101-107, December 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


This study investigates the water quality of major freshwater sources in Gingoog City, Philippines, focusing on physico-chemical, heavy metal, and microbial characteristics. Water samples were collected from five deep wells and three springs, and analyzed for parameters including pH, temperature, turbidity, conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), salinity, chlorides, total hardness, and total organic carbon (TOC). Heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, copper, mercury, lead, aluminum, zinc, iron, and antimony were also measured. The results indicate that the water quality generally meets both Philippine and international standards, with low levels of dissolved solids and ions. However, the presence of antimony (Sb) remains a concern, as its levels (<0.01 mg/L) may exceed the stricter standards set by the USA and EU. Microbiological analysis revealed high water quality, with no detectable E. coli and minimal total coliform counts. The findings provide valuable insights for the management and conservation of freshwater resources in Gingoog City, emphasizing the need for continuous monitoring and adherence to stringent water quality standards to ensure the sustainability and safety of these vital water sources for the community.

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