Evaluation of absorbable phosphorus in some of soil samples from the county of bahar using various extractants

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Research Paper 01/08/2015
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Evaluation of absorbable phosphorus in some of soil samples from the county of bahar using various extractants

Bahareh Eskandari, Mahdi Samavati, Elahe Naderi Peikam
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.7( 2), 210-217, August 2015.
Certificate: IJAAR 2015 [Generate Certificate]


This research was performed with the purpose of evaluating 4 methods of extraction of absorbable phosphorus and to determine the appropriate extractant for estimation of absorbable soil phosphorus in 15 samples of soil. The physical and chemical characteristics of soils were determined using prevalent experimental methods. Pot plantation was performed in the form of factorial experimentation in the framework of a completely random project in 9 sample of soil with two levels of phosphorus (zero and 150 milligrams per Kg soil) with three repetitions and plant indices including: absorbed phosphorus and relative performance were measured. Evaluation of the results of the correlation coefficient between various extractants and relative performance, concentration and absorption of phosphorus by the maize plant shows that Olsen extractants have meaningful correlation with relative performance, phosphorus absorption and Mehlich 3 extractants with relative performance. Yet, regarding Bray and AB-DTPA extractants meaningful correlation with relative performance and concentration of absorbed phosphorus was not found.


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