Evaluation of an important flavonoid silymarin in callus cultures of Sylibum marianum (L.) Gaertn

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Research Paper 01/06/2017
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Evaluation of an important flavonoid silymarin in callus cultures of Sylibum marianum (L.) Gaertn

Sania, Safdar Ali Mirza, Iram Liaqat, Nazish Mazhar
Int. J. Biosci.10( 6), 20-28, June 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Silybum marianum L. Gaertn is an important medicinal herb due to its active secondary metabolite, silymarin pronounced to be effective in disturbed liver function and ailments. The plant is under harvest pressure for sylimarin production and is being endangered. With the objective to produce silymarin in vitro, seed germination were optimized maintaining aseptic conditions. Seedlings raised from sterilized seeds in vitro on MS medium containing gibberellic acid, were used as explants for callus induction. Among different explants used, seed and hypocotyls were found substantially suitable explants for callus induction. Significant callus induction from hypocotyl explant was documented using MS medium added with 2, 4-D whereas seed explant produced callus under the influence of BAP along with 2, 4-D. Callus cultures from different explants were put to HPLC analysis to determine silymarin content. Since silymarin is a mixture of different components, all the callus cultures were same with respect to composition but different in amount of components, seed callus was observed to contain highest Silybinin content (89%) as compared to the callus cultures of other explants. The in vitro production of silymarin may prove significant source for the said valuable medicinal compound.


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