Evaluation of Anti-oxidant and Anti-ulcerogenic activity of Cannabis Sativa extract against aspirin-induced gastric ulcer in Rabbits

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Research Paper 01/10/2019
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Evaluation of Anti-oxidant and Anti-ulcerogenic activity of Cannabis Sativa extract against aspirin-induced gastric ulcer in Rabbits

Shafaq Naeem, Bilal Aslam, Zia-ud-Din Sindhu, Mashkoor Mohsin, Asif Hussain, Rida Siddique, Faheem Ahmed
Int. J. Biosci.15( 4), 462-470, October 2019.
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Cannabis sativa is an herbaceous perineal plant which has been used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and sedative properties. In this study, the anti-oxidant and gastroprotective properties of C. sativa ethanolic extract were evaluated against aspirin-induced gastric lesions. For this purpose, thirty healthy rabbits were selected and divided into five groups (n=6) as follows: (I) normal saline, (II) aspirin alone (150mg/kg*day), (III) omeprazole (20mg/kg*day) plus aspirin, (IV and V) C. sativa extract (10mg/kg*day and 20mg/kg*day) with aspirin. All treatments were given orally for 14 days. Gastric ulcer parameters including ulcer index, ulcer score, gastric acid volume, total acid output and pH were assessed. Blood samples were collected to determine oxidative stress parameters (TOS, TAC, MDA and CAT). C. sativa exhibited significant (p≤0.01) antiulcer effect in comparison with aspirin alone treatment. Histopathological analysis revealed normalization of gastric mucosa in C. sativa treated animals. C. sativa administration showed a reduction in oxidative stress parameters (TOS and MDA) and increased anti-oxidants (TAC and CAT) level. Moreover, C. sativa, particularly at 20mg/kg, showed 70.66% ulcer protection which was comparable to 72.85% with omeprazole. Collectively, this study suggested that C. sativa has antioxidant and antiulcer properties.


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