Evaluation of ASTER images capability for identification of homogenous and heterogeneous soils in dry regions based on linear and non-linear relations Case Study: Khatam plain, Iran

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Research Paper 01/05/2017
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Evaluation of ASTER images capability for identification of homogenous and heterogeneous soils in dry regions based on linear and non-linear relations Case Study: Khatam plain, Iran

Ali Khadem, Zohre Ebrahimi, Hamed Haghparast
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 5), 25-36, May 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Degree of homogeneity of soil particles is one of the major factors effecting soli spectral reflectance which is calculated based on the Geometric standard deviation of soil particles. This study evaluates the application of ASTER imagery for identification of homogenous and heterogeneous soils in dry regions with special reference to linear and non-linear equations in Khatam plain of Yazd province, Iran. To do this, soil samplings (76 samples) from the soil surface has been done in 2007/08/23 and were measured values of the texture fragments by using of the hydrometer method. Finally, Geometric standard deviations of soil particles were calculated for each sample point. After doing the geometric and radiometric corrections and applying of the average filters on the satellite images, some processing operations were done. Correlation coefficient between soil texture data and soil spectral reflectance for homogenous (Geometric standard deviation <10) and heterogeneous soil samples (Geometric standard deviation ≥ 10) were calculated based on the linear and non- linear equations. The results showed that the Near Infra Red (NIR) band of ASTER sensor can be effective on the spectral reflectance of homogenous soils and identification of clay texture of heterogeneous soils. Also, the results of this study indicated that Short Wave Infra Red (SWIR) has a remarkable effect on the soil spectral of sand and silt particles in heterogeneous soils.


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