Evaluation of Cu in soil and number of plant species around a Sarcheshmeh copper deposit in Kerman province
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Evaluation of Cu in soil and number of plant species around a Sarcheshmeh copper deposit in Kerman province
Evaluate the accumulation of toxic elements in soils and plants are very important and necessary for the health and life of humans and other animals in the environment. However, when present in excess quantities, Cu is also highly toxic to plant growth potentially causing damage resulting in complete inhibition of growth. The aim of this study is evaluation of Cu in soil and number of plant species around a Sarcheshmeh copper deposit and identifying the copper accumulator plants. 4 locations (at a distance of 200-800m from the mine) were selected for sampling Soil physical and chemical characteristics of different locations were determined. Plant samples were collected from each location. Copper concentrations were determined by atomic absorption. Plant species were identified using the Flora Iranica. The results indicate soil of study area contaminated with copper. There was significant difference between total Cu concentration and soluble concentration in four stations. The highest and lowest amount of copper absorption has been found in Epilobium Hirsutum and Salsola kali respectively.
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Narjes Ebrahimnezhad (2014), Evaluation of Cu in soil and number of plant species around a Sarcheshmeh copper deposit in Kerman province; JBES, V5, N1, July, P521-525
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