Evaluation of drought tolerance in maize hybrids using stress tolerance indices

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Research Paper 01/10/2017
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Evaluation of drought tolerance in maize hybrids using stress tolerance indices

Poppy Arisandy, Willy Bayuardi Suwarno, Muhammad Azrai
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.11( 4), 46-54, October 2017.
Certificate: IJAAR 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Information about tolerance indices and morphological traits related to drought stress tolerance would be useful for identifying potential maize hybrids tolerant to drought. This research aimed to determine tolerance indices and selection traits for drought tolerance, and to identify the tolerant and adaptive maize hybrids to normal and drought conditions. This research was conducted at the IPB Experimental Fields Leuwikopo and Cikabayan, Dramaga, Bogor as normal environments in April to October 2016 and Experimental Field Bajeng, Gowa, South of Sulawesi as drought environments in June to September 2016. Screening with PEG was conducted at Laboratory of Seed Testing and Seed Storage, Bogor Agricultural University in January to February 2017. Results showed that harmonic mean (HM) and modified stress tolerance index (k2STI) can be used for selection adaptive maize hybrids to drought stress; stress tolerance index (STI) used for selection adaptive maize hybrids to normal environment and drought stress; and stress susceptibility index (SSI) and modified stress tolerance index (k1STI) used for selection tolerant maize hybrids to drought stress. Best selection character for hybrid maize tolerant to drought were ear diameter, weight of ear, number of seed row, ear length, days to tasseling, stem diameter, ear height, root fresh weight, root dry weight, number of ears and branch tassel number. Adaptive maize hybrids on normal environment and drought stress based on stress tolerance index (STI) were H32, H13, and H21. Drought tolerant maize hybrids based on stress susceptibility index (SSI) were T11, H17, and H15.


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