Evaluation of genetic diversity of iranian turnip accessions (Brassica rapa L.) based on morphological characteristics

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Research Paper 01/07/2014
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Evaluation of genetic diversity of iranian turnip accessions (Brassica rapa L.) based on morphological characteristics

Fatemeh Sadat Mehrpour Moghadam, Mohammad Reza Hassandokht, Mahmood Khosrowchahli
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.5( 1), 29-38, July 2014.
Certificate: IJAAR 2014 [Generate Certificate]


The current study, was educated for evaluation of genetic diversity of 11 Iranian turnip accessions with one British cultivar “Top Milan” cultivar, under field condition in Karaj. Twelve quantitative and Four qualitative traits were evaluated. Result revealed high variability among accessions. There were significant positive correlations between weight root and yield. Mean comparison of accessions showed that, Neyshaboor accession had the highest yield (2666.400 gr/m2) and weight root (177.760 gr) in compare with other accessions. In component analysis, five independent major factors explained 89.560 of total variance. based on cluster analysis Accessions were seprated into three groups. Morphological traits were useful for assessing the diversity and relationships in Iranian turnip accessions. In addition Accessions with desirable charachteristics can be identified to improve traits and use in breeding programs including increasing yield, improving agronomic charachteristics and improving quality.


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