Evaluation of nutritive values of papua foxtail millet (Setaria italica sp) and its substitutive effect for yellow corn on broiler performances

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Evaluation of nutritive values of papua foxtail millet (Setaria italica sp) and its substitutive effect for yellow corn on broiler performances

Siska Tirajoh, Achmanu, Osfar Sjofjan, Eko Widodo
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.4( 4), 195-201, April 2014.
Certificate: IJAAR 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Yellow corn is still an expensive and one of imported feedstuffs used by feed manufacturing in Indonesia. Research on the use of inconventional feed for broiler is currently elaborated in particular interest on Papua foxtail millet (Setaria italica sp) of yellow variety. The aims were to analyze proximate, fibre, calcium, phosphorus, β-carotene, tannin, phytic acid and amino acids contents, and examine the possibility of partly substitution of yellow corn with Papua Foxtail millet. The results showed that Papua foxtail millet contained higher protein than yellow corn (12.07 vs 8.7%) and high estimated metabolizable energy 2941 kcal/kg. it also rich in methionine and lysine with reasonable amount of other essential amino acids. The biological experiment was designed to evaluate substitutive effect Papua foxtail millet to yellow corn. Two hundred and fifty day old chicks of Lohmann broiler were used. They were allotted to 5 dietary treatments, namely P0 = basal feed (without Papua foxtail millet), P1 = basal feed in which 2.5% of yellow corn was substituted by Papua foxtail millet, P2 = basal feed in which 5.0% of yellow corn was substituted by Papua foxtail millet, P3 = basal feed in which 7.5% of yellow corn was substituted by Papua foxtail millet, P4 = basal feed in which 10.0% of yellow corn was substituted by Papua foxtail millet. Feed and water were provided ad libitum. The results showed that beside contain high phytic acid Papua foxtail millet shows a potential use for poultry feedstuffs and utilization of 10% Papua foxtail Millet as substitute of corn showed no adverse effect on broiler performances, even increase carcass percentage.


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