Evaluation of quality parameters in different foodstuff of Gondar, Ethiopia, with special reference to their cholesterol content

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Evaluation of quality parameters in different foodstuff of Gondar, Ethiopia, with special reference to their cholesterol content

Addis, K., Pakshirajan, K.
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 6), 162-171, June 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


High plasma cholesterol is a risk factor in the development of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, which is attributed to consumption of diets rich in cholesterol. This study examined cholesterol and other quality parameters, viz. acid, peroxide and saponification values, in butter, margarine and vegetable ghee products, which are commonly consumed in Gondar town, Northwest Ethiopia. The cholesterol content in these samples, followed the order butter> margarine >vegetable ghee. Among the different butter variants, Mama butterTM had the highest cholesterol values (283.67 ± 0.488 mg/100 g) and the homemade butter contained the lowest cholesterol ranging from 216-228 mg/100g compared to the industrial butter samples. Vegetable ghee contains much less cholesterol as compared to margarine and butter, thus suggesting it to be better for human consumption. Shola butterTM had the highest acid (15.167 ± 0.026 mgKOH/g) and peroxide (18.579 ± 0.006 meq/kg) values that translates to poor quality of the product for consumption. High proportion of saponification value in Shola butterTM (247.066 ± 0.799 mgKOH/g) suggests that the butter is a good raw material for soap industries.


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