Evaluation of snake bean (Vigna sesquipedalis) through agro-morphological and SDS-PsAGE base markers

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Evaluation of snake bean (Vigna sesquipedalis) through agro-morphological and SDS-PsAGE base markers

Karishma Gul, Murad Ali, Arshad Khan, Khwaja M Khan, Sundas Wisal, Waqar Khan, Mohammad Nisar
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 1), 34-45, January 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The present panel of work was conducted to investigate intra-specific genetic variability among Snake bean landraces. Genetic variation is considered as a basic feature to plants breeding and makes it viable to choose plants with appropriate traits. The methods to study genetic variation are morphological traits and SDS-PAGE. For this purpose, seeds of 40 landraces were collected. The morphometric parameters include both qualitative and quantitative traits. In 4 qualitative parameters significant level of variation was observed in seed shape, seed color and pod pigmentation except legume colour. For 11 quantitative traits descriptive statistics analysis done in which 100 seed weight show maximum coefficient of variance CV (0.37%) followed by pod length (0.32%), While minimum coefficient of variance showed by internode length (0.10%) followed by plant height 0.16% and seed length (0.18%). In comparative correlation, the plant height show highly positive correlation with plant biomass (.705**), seed per pod (.464**) and pod length (.362*), while highly negative correlation obtained with leaf length (-.335*).The protein profile of 40 snake bean landraces tested through SDS-PAGE shown 15 reproducible bands. High level of variation was observed in band B14 (0.93%), followed by B11 (0.80%), B15 (0.78%) B12 (0.75%), B13 (0.75%), B1 (0.65%), B5 (0.50%) and B8 (0.50%). Similarly low level of variation was noted in B3 (0.15%) followed by B4 (0.33%), B10 (0.38%), B6 (0.40%), B2 (0.45%), B7 (0.48%) and B9 (0.50%). The entire bands show polymorphism. All the traits show outmost level of divergence which is advantageous for further improvement of best variety.


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