Evaluation of the antifungal effect of the aqueous extract of Drimia numidica (Jord. & Fourr. J.C.) from Algerian Northeast to Fusarium solani

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Research Paper 01/10/2017
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Evaluation of the antifungal effect of the aqueous extract of Drimia numidica (Jord. & Fourr. J.C.) from Algerian Northeast to Fusarium solani

Saliha Attab, Naziha Bourenane, Fouzia Benaliouche, Louhichi Brinis
Int. J. Biosci.11( 4), 15-23, October 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


At the present time, the world is moving towards sustainable agriculture that supports the production of healthy food and the preservation of the environment. This requires the use of new, effective and biodegradable pesticides. In this context, a study was carried out in order to evaluate in vitro the antifungal activity of the aqueous extract from the bulb of an Algerian Northeastern asparagus Drimia numidica (Jord. & Fourr.) J.C. against fungus Fusarium solani, causal agent of tomato blight. Following preliminary tests, two concentrations of 30 g/l (T2D1) and 50 g/l (T2D2) were chosen. The effect of these two concentrations was examined on the mycelial growth, growth rate and sporulation of the fungus, compared to a negative control (T0), untreated (Malt-Agar medium) and a positive control (Malt-Agar supplemented with a fungicide, T1). Analysis of the variance (ANOVA) reveals very highly significant differences (P = 0.000) between the averages of the four treatments for the different parameters. Concerning the two doses of the aqueous extract, the concentration 50 g/l (T2D2) was more depressed on mycelial growth and sporulation with inhibition rates of 66.15% and 86.91%, respectively, relative to the fungicide which gives 77.58% and 97.19%. These results indicate that the aqueous extract of the bulb of Drimia numidica (Jord. & Fourr.) J.C. possesses an antifungal activity comparable to that of the fungicide. This is probably due to the richness of this organ in bioactive compounds that can be exploited in the biological control of phytopathogenic fungi.


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