Evaluation of the diversity and characterization of the distribution of the arborescent species of the town of Daloa (Cental-Western of Côte d’Ivoire)
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Evaluation of the diversity and characterization of the distribution of the arborescent species of the town of Daloa (Cental-Western of Côte d’Ivoire)
In Côte d’Ivoire, no study on the urban flora took into account the types of urban forestry planning. However, certain reasoned types of planning constitute zones refuge for woody numerous species. The objective of this study is to evaluate diversity and to characterize distribution of the arborescent species in the types of town-planning of Daloa. With this intention, inventories of arborescent species of dbh ≥ 10cm and at least 2m height in square small squares of 400m² (20m x 20m) coupled to itinerant inventories inside the various types of planning were carried out. Eight types of urban forestry planning were identified in the town of Daloa. The overall floristic richness of arborescent species is 101 species divided into 37 families and 81 genera. The diversity and the distribution of the arborescent woody species vary according to the types of planning. Indeed, the dwellings are the mediums the most diversified in generea and woody in cash arborescent. On the other hand, the sports equipment and public garden are the least diversified mediums. On the other hand, all the types of planning are floristically homogeneous. The type of planning is not a determining factor in the distribution of the arborescent woody species in the town of Daloa.
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Kouassi Kouadio Henri, Kouassi Kanga Justin, Sidibe Ousmane (2019), Evaluation of the diversity and characterization of the distribution of the arborescent species of the town of Daloa (Cental-Western of Côte d’Ivoire); JBES, V15, N2, August, P66-74
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