Evaluation of the healing activity of propolis hydrogel in an excision-based model

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Research Paper 06/11/2022
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Evaluation of the healing activity of propolis hydrogel in an excision-based model

Emmanuel Agbamu, Matthew Ikhuoria Arhewoh, Efe Endurance Ahama, Happiness Chiamaka Obeleke, Emmanuel Igho Odokuma
Int. J. Biosci.21( 5), 37-47, November 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Propolis hydrogel made of carbopol has been shown to provide better contact with the wounded site and reduce wound healing time. This study explored the physicochemical properties of Nigerian propolis hydrogel and its wound healing activity.  Propolis was obtained from bee hives using standard techniques and macerated in absolute ethanol at 40 oC for 2 weeks in a dark room at room temperature. The preparation was filtered, concentrated and stabilized in 20 ml 5 %v/v tween 80. The hydrogel was prepared at different concentrations of propolis and carbopol. The physicochemical properties of the formulation were evaluated and statistically analyzed. The animals were grouped into six; group 1 was treated with the control (cikatrin), group 2 was treated with the blank gel, group 3, 4, 5 and 6 were treated with formulation P1, P2, P3 and P4 respectively. The wound healing activity was evaluated on days 7, 14, and 21 after inducing dermal injury. The quantitative study of the extract indicated the presence of alkaloid (351 mg/g), flavonoid (300 mg/g), phenolic (50 mg/g), tannin (10.9 mg/g), and saponin (19.9 mg/g). The pH of the formulation was 6.73 – 6.6 (p = 0.04); spreadability was 4.72 – 3.17 (p = 0.64); depth was 18.67 – 14.83 (p < 0.001); viscosity was highest in formulations of 2 % carbopol (72,802-74,122 mPas.s). The stability studies revealed that preparations stored in the refrigerator had better profiles, (pH of 6.86-4.51; spreadability of 3.25-5.57; viscosity of 7997-72,802 mPas.s) over 90 days period. The histoarchitectural features were characterized by ulceration, granulation tissue formation, and various shades of wound healing. This study has shown that propolis formulated as hydrogel can be used to induce wound healing, and thus indicated the need for standardizing propolis content in wound dressings and other topical delivery systems to obtain optimum activity with good physicochemical profile.

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