Evaluation of the quality of swimming water in the Gulf of Skikda (Algeria)

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Research Paper 01/11/2017
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Evaluation of the quality of swimming water in the Gulf of Skikda (Algeria)

Souheila Ouamane, Lyamine Mezedjri Ali Tahar
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 5), 30-36, November 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The aim of this study is to evaluate the bacteriological and physicochemical quality of the swimming waters of the Skikda region, a very touristic area known for its many beaches which are frequented during the summer period, through the water analysis of ten stations. Because the destination “sea” is far ahead of all the others (mountain, desert, museum, etc) in Algeria, where during the summer season, swimming is the most practiced recreational activity; the quality of swimming water is therefore an essential factor for the tourist development of coastal communities. This monitoring program focused on monitoring water quality during two summer seasons. The analyses concern the quantification of fecal contamination bacteria (total and thermo tolerant coliforms, E. coli and fecal streptococci), as well as the determination of certain physico-chemical parameters (electrical conductivity, pH, salinity, etc.). In view of the results, we can suppose the existence of a pollution having various origins at the levels of the different sites studied. In fact, for 9 out of 10 sites, we have average fecal streptococcal levels well above current standards (less than 100 FS/100 ml).


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