Evaluation of the role of herbal medicine in primary health care in the city of Daloa (Central-West, Côte d’Ivoire)
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Evaluation of the role of herbal medicine in primary health care in the city of Daloa (Central-West, Côte d’Ivoire)
In Côte d’Ivoire, the use of traditional medicine, especially herbal medicine, is very common in rural areas and even in cities. This situation is invariable regardless of the level of study and the socio-economic or religious affiliation of the populations. This study was conducted with the objective of evaluating the role of herbal medicine in primary health care in Daloa, the third largest city in the country where modern medicine is available. It involved 108 people divided into three groups (population, phytotherapists and modern health workers). Thus, a semi-direct survey was conducted using pre-elaborated questionnaires, specific for each group from december 2018 to april 2019. The majority of the population consults with (80 %) phytotherapists and are mostly satisfied with their benefits (77.5 %). For many, consultation is acceptable with (69.78 %) and the proportion of infectiologies used by the population is (87.5 %). However, they denounce the high cost of medical care in modern medicine and reveal several advantages and disadvantages of both medicines. 10% of modern health workers are in favor of collaboration, with a further 75 % saying that if they fail, they will not advise their patient on a phytotherapist. Traditional herbal medicine, is and remains currently sought by the population who have confidence in popular uses and who do not have the means to bear the consequences of modern medicine.
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