Evaluation of the socio-economic consequences of multipurpose forestry plan in Dehdez region, south west of Iran

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Research Paper 01/04/2014
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Evaluation of the socio-economic consequences of multipurpose forestry plan in Dehdez region, south west of Iran

Ali Shojaie, Asghar Fallah, Kamran Adeli, Ali Yachkaschi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 4), 327-336, April 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


In recent years, the comprehensive plan of Zagros forests protection has been widely described in natural resources fields as a basic concept in forest conservation, revival and development. The protection plan of Dehdez is one of the conservation and protection plans of forest which has been conducted since 2003 in north east of Eizeh city in Khuzestan province. The objective of this research was to evaluate the socio-economic status of woodman in plan. So, for this purpose the effects of plan on improvement of engagement and income, reduction of the use of forest fuels, reduction of livestock number in forest, families and migration were assessed. In this study the data collected in two different times (before and after of plan conducting) were compared to each other and then the differences caused by the conducting each of activities in region were determined. In the next step their valuation was determined in socio-economic point of view. Two main methods including field survey and attributive method were used to collect data. In attributive and library method, required data was obtained from plan hand book and other existence documents. In field survey, data were collected through different methods such as dialogues. The main tool for this was questionnaire. Lack of engagement production and improvement of people life was the most important problems of plan. The plan was successful in reducing the use of forest fuels and livestock number in forest.


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