Evaluation of underground waters quality for various purposes with special reference to drinking and irrigation parameters

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Research Paper 01/02/2012
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Evaluation of underground waters quality for various purposes with special reference to drinking and irrigation parameters

Sukhdev Kundu
J. Bio. Env. Sci.2( 2), 14-20, February 2012.
Certificate: JBES 2012 [Generate Certificate]


The present study comprised suitability evaluation of underground waters for drinking and irrigational uses. A total of sixteen underground waters samples were collected from the upper Ghaggar river basin starting from Badisher-Koti (Panchkula) to Ratanheri (Patiala) along the Ghaggar river course. The collected water samples were subjected to the physico-chemical and heavy metals characterizations. Physico-chemical and heavy metals characterization of the groundwater samples revealed that many of the water sources were not suitable for drinking purpose owing to the high concentration of one or other parameter above the safe prescribed limit. Suitability for irrigation, too, was low since most of the water sources had high concentration of cadmium and contained medium to high salinity hazard. The high concentration of the chemical parameters may be attributed to the lithologic composition and intensive agricultural activities of the area.


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