Evaluation of water deficient stress tolerance in spring wheat lines using canonical discriminant analysis

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Research Paper 01/01/2018
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Evaluation of water deficient stress tolerance in spring wheat lines using canonical discriminant analysis

Parviz Safari, Mohammad Moghaddam Vahed, Seyed Siamak Alavikia, Majid Norouzi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 1), 126-133, January 2018.
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Canonical discriminant analysis (CDA) in combination with cluster analysis was used to assess 296 spring wheat lines derived from a cross between Bam (drought tolerant) and Arta (drought sensitive) cultivars using stress tolerance indices, at two water regimes, well watered and cessation of irrigation at pollination. CDA results showed that the first two canonical variables explained 97% of the inter- group variation. The first canonical variable high canonical loadings for the indices Stress Tolerance Index, Harmonic Mean, Mean Productivity, Geometric Mean Productivity, Yield at normal condition, and yield at water deficit stress conditions. The second canonical variable consisted of Stress Susceptibility and Tolerance Indices. Therefore, the first canonical variable differentiated genotypes based on yield potential and stress tolerance and the second canonical variable distinguished stress tolerant genotypes from the sensitive types. Scatter plot of the first two canonical variables characterized five distinct groups and all pairwise Mahalanobis distances among groups were significant. The second group was recognized as the best group, because the genotypes of this group had the highest value in terms of the first canonical variable and most of these genotypes had negative values of the second canonical variable. Therefore, the genotypes of this group are suitable for both water stress and non-stress environments.

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