Evaluation of Water Intake Structures for Municipal Water Supply Scheme in Lagos, Nigeria

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Research Paper 01/03/2012
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Evaluation of Water Intake Structures for Municipal Water Supply Scheme in Lagos, Nigeria

Nubi Afolasade Tosin, Longe Emmanuel, Nubi Olubunmi Ayoola
J. Bio. Env. Sci.2( 3), 1-7, March 2012.
Certificate: JBES 2012 [Generate Certificate]


The aim of this study was to evaluate some of the grass root problems that tend to frustrate municipal water supply efforts of the Lagos State Water Corporation. This was achieved by understudying three water withdrawal points, namely Iju, Isashi and Adiyan water intake facilities through physical observation, administration of questionnaires and Pearson’s correlation coefficient analysis of data obtained through questionnaire. The correlation coefficient analysis of the location of intake against water source gave value ranges of 0.530, 0.545 and 0.586 for Iju, Adiyan and Isashi Intakes respectively. The correlation analysis of the hydraulic properties of the intake structure against water quality also revealed value ranges of 0.260, 0.236 and -0.453 respectively while the correlation analysis of intake location and water quality gave value ranges of -0.246, -0.602 and -0.827 respectively. Although, physical observations revealed that good planning, designs and constructions were achieved in all the three facilities, but unwholesome practices as demonstrated by lack of maintenance culture, archaic operational practices and inadequate funding undermined the entire water supply scheme.


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