Evaluation of wood ash as additive for green waste composting

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Research Paper 01/11/2018
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Evaluation of wood ash as additive for green waste composting

Blaise P. Bougnom, Alain M. Sontsa-Donhoung, Dieudonne Onguene, Pauline Mounjouenpou, François X. Etoa
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.13( 5), 35-45, November 2018.
Certificate: IJAAR 2018 [Generate Certificate]


A study was conducted to produce composts with a high liming potential using both green waste and wood ash for use in agriculture. increased proportions of wood ash were co-composted with green waste. During composting, all the produced composts presented the classical composting temperature curve and reached a thermophilic composting phase (P ≥50 °C) which lasted for 8 days. The produced composts had a C/N ratio between 10 and 15, and their pH was above neutrality, meaning maturity. They were rich in nutrients (Mg, K and Na) and poor in heavy metals (Pb, Zn, and Cu). Wood ash addition did not impair neither the bacterial nor the fungal communities; however, addition of high amounts of wood ash could reduce the metabolism of the microbial communities including cellulase activity that showed a proportional decrease according to the added amount. The composts showed a germination index greater than 100% at all concentrations. It could be concluded that co-composting green waste with wood as hallowed to obtain a good organic fertiliser with higher liming potential, nutrient content, and less hazardous material which could beused to remediate soil acidity of tropical soils.


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