Evaluation of yield and yield components in intercropping of barley (Hordeum vulgar L.) with clover (Trifolium resupinatum L)

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Evaluation of yield and yield components in intercropping of barley (Hordeum vulgar L.) with clover (Trifolium resupinatum L)

Sara Najafi, Ahmad Ghanbari Bonjar, Mahmoud Ramroudi, Alireza Sirousmehr
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.5( 4), 31-39, October 2014.
Certificate: IJAAR 2014 [Generate Certificate]


In order to evaluate yield and yield components of barley and clover at intercropping system while in heading and pasty harvesting stages an experiment was conducted at agricultural research farm of Sistandam located in Zabol during 2013. Experiment was arranged in split plot based on randomized complete block design in three replications. Studied factors were two harvesting stages with two harvesting level including heading and pasty stages as a main factor and six different sowing combination treatments as a second factor including sole barley, sole clover, sole barley+25% clover, sole barley+ 50% clover, sole barley+75% clover and 100% clover treatments. Results showed that harvesting stage had significant effect on spike length, grain number per spike, 1000 grain weight, dry weight and harvest index of barely and fresh forage yield, dry forage, raw protein of clover plant and improved mentioned characters. Effect of sowing combination was meaningful on stem length, spike length, grain number per spike, grain yield, dry weight and harvest index of barley and fresh forage yield, dry yield, raw protein and raw fiber of clover plant. The highest Land Equivalent Ratio (LER) was belong to sole barley +25% clover treatment which demonstrated superiority of intercropping system to sole barley culture.


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