Evaluation of yield and yield components in promising genotypes of bread wheat in Ardabil region

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Research Paper 01/01/2015
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Evaluation of yield and yield components in promising genotypes of bread wheat in Ardabil region

Neda Pour Shirin, Aliakbar Imani, Marefat Ghasemi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 1), 562-566, January 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Cereal has historically used as feed by man and today, various products prepare from cereals. The experiment was conducted in order to evaluate 10 promising genotypes of bread wheat in a randomized complete block design with three replications and six samples at agricultural research station and natural resources of Ardabil in 2013 -2014. Six lines with a distance of 20 cm, and a length of 6 m was planted in each plot. Analysis of variance showed that significant differences were observed among genotypes in terms all traits except number of tillers and fertile tillers per plant. Mean comparison of data showed that among wheat genotypes studied, the highest plant length with average 98.39 cm was belonged to genotype 5 and were placed in class A with genotypes 2 and 9. Genotype 1 (with an average of 83.06 cm) had the lowest plant height. The results showed that the highest grain yield with an average of 11.09 tons per hectare was allocated to genotype 3. In contrast genotype 6 with an average of 6.06 ha had the lowest grain yield and it was placed in the final rank.


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