Evaluation the efficiency of chitosan and salicylic acid in controlling gray mold disease caused by Botrytis cinerea on eggplant
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Evaluation the efficiency of chitosan and salicylic acid in controlling gray mold disease caused by Botrytis cinerea on eggplant
The study was conducted to isolate and identify the causal agent of gray mold disease on eggplant and evaluate the efficiency of chitosan (CH) and salicylic acid (SA) to control the disease. The morphological characteristics proved that the causal agent of gray mold on eggplant is Botrytis cinerea . Three isolates of the pathogen, from sample showing gray mold at different location of Baghdad area, were obtained and designated as BC1, BC2, BC3. The pathogenicity tests on wounded eggplant fruits revealed that the 3 isolates were highly pathogenic. The disease severity was found to be 90.25 , 83.21 , 69.52% followed by BC2 with disease severity , 72.20 , 66.39 , 57.20 % and BC1 , 56.20 , 56.72 , 39.59 % after 14 days of i... Read More read more link button
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Hind Basem Hattab Al-Hadithy, Hurria Hussien Al-Juboory (2019), Evaluation the efficiency of chitosan and salicylic acid in controlling gray mold disease caused by Botrytis cinerea on eggplant; JBES, V14, N2, February, P9-16
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