Evaluation the mercury after a decade of gold mining termination in Sijunjung Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia

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Research Paper 05/01/2024
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Evaluation the mercury after a decade of gold mining termination in Sijunjung Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Khin Nilar Tin, Syafrimen Yasin, Mahdi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.24( 1), 16-22, January 2024.
Certificate: JBES 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Before mining exploration, the study was agricultural area especially for paddy plantation. The area was totally transformed into gold exploration site, however, the production had completely finished for ten years. As usual, gold mining especially small business types of such exploration mainly relies on mercury (Hg) for gold recovery process. Although mining activities were ended in study area for a long time, transboundary as well as extremely persistence properties make the Hg still contains in soil and water. Another factor may exist a great number of mining operations along the Ombilin River; study area is located which drive the Hg infiltrate the surrounding area. Toxication effects of Hg introduce a wide range of the short-termed health problems to lethal diseases for the public and environmental pollution. For this reason, the study was commenced with the purpose of Hg evaluation both in soil and in water. Purposive sampling method was applied when collecting soil and water samples. According to the laboratory test results, Hg in soil was agreed with the minimum acceptable limit then water was still polluted with Hg which was higher than the standard guidelines. In spite of causing adverse effects of Hg, residents are consuming Hg rich water not only for their agricultural activities but also for their households.


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