Exergetic analysis and optimization of a flat plate solar collector

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Research Paper 01/05/2019
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Exergetic analysis and optimization of a flat plate solar collector

Bouragbi Lakhdar, Azzouz Salaheddine, Mahfoud Brahim, Djidel Mohamed
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 5), 1-12, May 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Energy efficiency based on the first law of thermodynamics is generally used as one of the most important parameters for evaluating and comparing thermal systems. Also, losses due to irreversibility or entropy generation of the system, which are derived from the second law of thermodynamics, are usually neglected. Here, the concept of exergy is employed to combine both the laws in the framework of the study of a Flat Plat Solar Collector (FPSC). Indeed, FPSCs suffer from low energy efficiency which is related to many impact factors like heat loss from the absorber to the environment and low conversion of the incident solar energy into thermal energy absorbed by the heat transfer fluid. In this study, an exergetic analysis of a FPSC used in Saharan conditions is carried out in order to minimize the destroyed exergy (irreversibility) and to obtain the optimal operating parameters of the FPSC that maximize both the exergy and the energy efficiencies. The results reveal that the optimal exergy efficiency is of 8.28% and the optimal mass flow rate is of 0.06 kg/s. This finding and the assumptions made for the calculation approach are discussed with regard to other performed studies.


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