Exploring and evaluating health, safety and environment conditions of oil industry staff in Southern Pars special economic energy zone as a result of oil, gas, and petrochemical industry development

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Research Paper 01/11/2015
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Exploring and evaluating health, safety and environment conditions of oil industry staff in Southern Pars special economic energy zone as a result of oil, gas, and petrochemical industry development

Maryam Bigharaz, Ziaeddin Almassi, Mahnaz Nasrabadi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 5), 202-213, November 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


This research was conducted in analytic-cross sectional form in Southern Pars region. Individuals` health and hygiene information was collected through studying 1450 occupational medicine files of staff in Southern Pars Special Economic Energy Zone. Studying occupational accidents and safety of staff revealed that, out of 211 occupational accidents in 2013, falling from height scored the top with 53.1% frequency and entry of objects into body scored the lowest point by 1.42%. Total number of 6 death were reported as a result of industrial accidents and 5 cases led to maim. Average age of the victims was reported 32.6 and most accidents happened in the summer. Condition of environmental pollutants: four pollutants were higher than national standard: Pb=0.153, SO2= 224.96, NO2= 38.15, PM10= 77.22. Also, the concentration average was TPH= 107.16 gr/dwt/μ and heavy elements were measured as following: Pb=6.839, Cu=5.506, Fe=7.023, Zn=9.27, and Ni=3.028 in coastal waters which were higher than national standard. According to the results and young population of staff in Southern Pars Special Economic Energy Zone, accurate and comprehensive planning as well as HSE fulfillment need to be concentrated by a modern outlook on staff health factors, safety, and environment in gas and petrochemical industry in order to reduce dissatisfactory effects of industry on environment and protect the most of it, increase the positive effects on society, provide staff health and safety, and decline industrial accidents and damages in accordance with sustainable development based on increased productivity and human resource development.


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