Exploring community perspective on mining activities and respiratory health in Claver Surigao Del Norte, Philippines

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Research Paper 04/08/2024
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Exploring community perspective on mining activities and respiratory health in Claver Surigao Del Norte, Philippines

Sunshine Rose N. Dave, Jessel A. Basadre, Edly Nouvee M. Lastra, Ian S. Umpil, Mauricio S. Adlaon
J. Bio. Env. Sci.25( 2), 1-7, August 2024.
Certificate: JBES 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The municipality of Claver is essentially a mining reservation due to it’s richness in mineral resources. The process of removing valuable earthly minerals and other materials is known as mining. This is viewed as one of the primary economic endeavors that propel economies across the globe and it is being considered by economic planners as a key industry for economic advancement in the Philippines nowadays. However, in any case, mining has been associated with health problems caused by environmental exposure to mine squander, particularly in countries where minerals extraction is made. The study used the qualitative approach to examine community perspectives, experiences towards the positive and negative effects of mining activities to the host and neighboring communities. The participants consisting of 34 were instructed to use an open-ended, semi-structured interview guide to respond to the questions. The results of the interview were transcribed, translated from Sinurigaonon dialect into English language. Moreover, data gathered was carefully examined using thematic coding analysis. It is apparent that the contribution of mining industry to economic development cannot be denied, but its source of environmental pollution and health impact were also recognized wherein there is significant evidence that mining has an adverse short-term effect on the respiratory health of the inhabitant living proximity to the mining site. And as to the significant role of SDMP implemented by mining companies were significantly addressed to the affected community to minimize the negative externalities impacted by the mining activities. By reason of, mining can play a major part in ethical and economic improvement in such ways they can coordinate their objectives with societal values in order to cultivate the financial extension and improvement of the affected areas.


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