Exploring the implications for Agricultural Extension Services to combat food insecurity in District of Tharparkar Sindh, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/10/2020
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Exploring the implications for Agricultural Extension Services to combat food insecurity in District of Tharparkar Sindh, Pakistan

Nadeem Abbas Shah, Ejaz Ashraf, Zaheer ud Din Mirani, Raees Abbas
Int. J. Biosci.17( 4), 170-178, October 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


In Tharparkar, Sindh-Pakistan, climate change is causing drought. Predominantly, drought is a regular phenomenon in the district of Tharparkar. The present study was carried out in the Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Sargodha University during 2017. The study aimed to find out the role of public and private agricultural extension services in combating food insecurity in the study area and to identify ways for providing secure food to the respondents. The study made use of two data collection instruments such as structured survey questionnaire and key informant interview guide. The research findings depicted that in the study area various NGOs (private) were providing extension services i.e. creating awareness about copping strategies for drought conditions and water saving methods etc. Results show that respondents get extension services from private NGOs. Public extension services and self-help groups are playing less active role than NGOs. Results showed that among various implications; construction of ponds for water storage, establishment of model agricultural and livestock farms, reuse of saved foods and products were highly to strongly recommend by respondents in the study area to combat food insecurity. Respondents further recommended that drought resistant verities, and maintenance of RO plants are important implications to combat food insecurity in the study area. Moreover, as per results the respondents moderately recommended protection of livestock for constant food supply, planting shrubs and trees, linkage of respondents to improve veterinary services, coordination with social safety network and vocational training programs to combat food insecurity in the study area.


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