Exploring the throne: Creative indigenous artisanship and notes to sustainable Yantok chair production

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Research Paper 15/11/2024
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Exploring the throne: Creative indigenous artisanship and notes to sustainable Yantok chair production

Jandy S. Danzalan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.25( 5), 72-78, November 2024.
Certificate: JBES 2024 [Generate Certificate]


There is overwhelming literature that explores the Yogad Tribe community. However, scant research focuses on their Yantok chair production, specifically on how the artisans shared creativity, indigenous knowledge, and ways of facilitating creative indigenous artisanship against the ubiquitous synthetic Yantok chair in the market. While the study of creativity requires an in-depth analysis of the subject, including how cognitive innovation transpires, it is still interesting to understand and operate these constructs in the study. I plan to problematize how indigenous knowledge or practice and cognitive innovation interplay within the community of Yogad artisans in their Yantok chair production. Subscribing to creativity and cognitive innovation tenets, I conducted this focused ethnographic study that spans a month to make headway in proving the creativity of Yantok chairs. It is likewise a fitting agenda to discuss inputs that empower the community to rekindle and sustain their passion in their industry.


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